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How to Easily obtain/get A* in O level & A level exam

**THIS ARTICLE ALSO TEACHES "How to Easily obtain/get Golden A+ In SSC exam and HSC  exam( Bangladesh)"
Always be attentive in class. Paying attention is a simple way to do well. Not only will your teacher appreciate it, but it's a surefire way to score well on tests and be able to finish your homework faster.
  • Don't get distracted by anyone going in or out of the class because this may grab your mind out from the studies going on.
  • Take proper notes. You should write anything important down, write to where you can read it, etc. This may seem like a pain but the notes will pay off when you're studying for your next test.
  • Do your homework. If you have homework due on Monday that was assigned on Friday, don't start the assignment at 11 p.m. on Sunday. Take your homework seriously and try hard problems, even if you're not sure on them. If you are really having trouble, ask a friend or a parent. Don't stress about your homework though. Don't let yourself go over 40 minutes a night per assignment. Still, don't lazy off about it, either. Manage your time. 
  • ---------Write neatly! Illegibility is a silly way to lose points on homework or a test. If you really have trouble writing neatly, talk to your teacher about typing assignments.
  •  Take notes in class and make sure they are neat, so you can read them later on. Notes are judged upon in some schools, and if yours is, watch out. Write your name and date at the top of each, and never double-side the paper. Use a nice, sharp, non-messy pencil and practice neat handwriting. Think of it as BOARD=PAPER. Write what the teacher writes. --Now just for exam do all these things :
  • Create a revision timetable. Remember to take regular breaks and get out and exercise.
  • Rewriting. Rewriting your notes is great if you're a kinesthetic learner. Mind mapping is the most effective way of doing this. Also, when you re-write something, you will probably think about what you are writing, what it's about, and why you wrote it down. Most importantly, it refreshes your memory. If you took notes a month ago and just found out that those notes will be relevant in your exam, rewriting them will remind you of them when you need it for your exam.
  • Have the right time. Don't study when you're really tired. It's better to study for two hours in one day than to try and cram in that daily hour of studying at two in the morning. You won't remember much and you're likely to stop before you have studied what you need.
  • Once you have your exam schedule, start studying as soon as possible. Begin studying the exam that comes first onto your schedule. If you have more than one exam on the same day, devote more time to the one you have more trouble with.

    Read more: How to Do Well On a Final Exam |
     Take Breaks. You need some time to have fun and it is better to revise when you are feeling relaxed than to exhaust yourself studying all day! The only caveat is, you need to avoid procrastination.
  • Plan: Always create a plan before you start studying, not to mention that this plan has to be achievable. If out of 5 lessons 3 are easy and can be finished fast, finish them first, that way you can spend quality time on the difficult lessons without fretting. Small tricks like these will help you complete your portions quickly.
  • Review. When you are finished studying one page of your notes, before you move on to the next page, ask yourself questions relating to the material on that page to see if you have remembered what you just studied. It also helps to say the answers to your questions out loud as if you were trying to explain it to someone else.
  • Ask for help. If you need help, ask someone who is good at these subjects. Example : Friends , Family , Teachers , etc.
  • Brothers and sisters one last thing - '''Study without ambition is a bird without wings.''


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