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Showing posts from April, 2014

Glass is produced from the mineral Mica

Mica is an example of sheet silicate minerals that can be employed in a number of different applications. The name for the mineral is understood to be derived from the Latin word micare, referring to its glittering appearance. India is understood to possess large amounts of the mineral. China also ranks high as a producer of mica for various purposes, and such countries as South Korea, Canada, and the United States also are sources of a healthy output.

Differentiate Cyclone, Hurricane, Tornado & Typhoon

These terms can be confusing because of how they are used. Technically, a cyclone (lower case) is ANY rotating low pressure system (rotating counter-clockwise in the northern hemisphere, or clockwise in the southern hemisphere). Hurricanes, Typhoons and Cyclones (note upper case) are the same thing but are termed by where they exist. The tropical cyclone is called a hurricane (if sustained winds are at least 65 knots) over the Atlantic basin and the eastern Pacific Ocean, while over the western Pacific it is called a Typhoon. The same type of system is called a Cyclone over the Indian Ocean area (one recently struck Bangladesh) A tornado is another type of cyclone that is born in thunderstorms. In some cases, tropical cyclones can produce many tornadoes if conditions are right. Thanks to: My dear adviser, Rich.

Dream car came true

Dream car came true Muttakin Rashid Alvi   Dream car came true Muttakin Rashid Alvi    The young talents are making new inventions for taking Bangladesh some steps ahead. So far many news have amazed us. But all of us don’t know about those. One of them is ‘NYPTA-8’. It’s a super four-wheeler. Private car with four seats but has a price like a motorbike! That too will have a better speed than the expensive brand cars! But the cost of fuel will be less! It’s really unbelievable!     Five engineering students of BUET designed and manufactured the fuel-efficient car at a magnificent competition in Dhaka on 15 March this year. They contested in a creative event called ‘ECORUN’, jointly organized by BUET and JICA(Japan International Cooperation Agency) and stood first. They’re studying mechanical engineering and students of 4th year. Their names are- Nahiyan, Tausif, Yasin, Bakhtiyar and Shahrul.   These five young men are optimistic that thei...

An innovative idea: Digital Admission Process

An innovative idea Muttakin Rashid Alvi   We all know that innovative ideas can bring big changes. They’re doing the same for our beautiful country. One of them is the digital admission process.      Digital admission process was first implemented by Shahjalal University of Science & Technology in 2009. It has been successfully running since the introduction. It has been adapted by other universities including National University of Bangladesh. It’s considered as a milestone of digital innovation in the country. It allows a student to apply for a university through only two text messages. Even a single form isn’t required.        A lecturer at SUST said, “The only purpose to develop this app was save time and money. Secondly, the entire database is maintained online.”  SUST’S SMS based admission registration process is an epoch making event. It attracted everyone’s eyes for creating a digital Bangladesh. It has ...

পহেলা বৈশাখ এবং বিয়োজনমূলক আচরণ

পহেলা বৈশাখ এবং বিয়োজনমূলক আচরণ মুত্তা কী ন রশিদ আলভী     পহেলা বৈশাখ আমার ভূখণ্ডের উৎসব । ইসলাম আরব দেশ থেকে এসে আজকে আমাদের এক বড় জনগোষ্ঠীর আচারের , জীবনযাপনের একটা অংশ হয়ে গেছে । আমার পরিচয়ের দুই সূত্র বিনা বিরোধে আমার মধ্যে একসঙ্গে বসবাস করতে পারে , করাটাই স্বাভাবিক । কিন্তু এই দুইয়ের মাঝে বিরোধ লাগিয়ে কে কোন ফায়দা উঠায় , সেটা আমি জানি না । আমাদের সব হুঙ্কারই অন্যকে নির্মূল করার হুঙ্কার , আমাদের সব কমিটিই ' নির্মূল কমিটি ' । কিছু লোক বলছে , পহেলা বৈশাখ উদ্ ‌ যাপন অনৈসলামিক । কিছুদিন আগে ৭১ টিভিতে আমার খুবই প্রিয় একজন শিল্পী ঢালাও হারে বোরকা পরাকে সমালোচনা করতে গিয়ে এটাকে অবাঙালি সংস্কৃতি হিসেবে ' বাতিলের খাতায় ' ফেলে দিয়েছেন । এই দুই বিপরীত মেরুর চিন্তার মাঝে আমি বিশেষ পার্থক্য দেখতে পাচ্ছি না । বরং মিল খুঁজে পাচ্ছি । সেটা হচ্ছে সহনশীলতা আর উদারতার ব্যাপক ফারাক । সংস্কৃতিকর্মীরা পুজোয় যাবে , বড়দিনে যাবে , পুজো নিয়ে গল্প করবে , ভাই ...