What does an Amazon email scam actually look like? Alvi Aladin They tend to access your device and its all data including social accounts, banks, and MFS apps. And the actual emails of these scammers don’t have ‘Amazon(dot)com’ extensions, they just put it as the email name. Yes, it’s a scam. Don’t open the email. If it goes to your main inbox, mark it as spam without opening it, then go to the spam folder and delete it permanently. Their actual emails are something like (eg. some parts hidden for valid reasons) admin.****-amazon(at the rate of) bw**1.pred***jituamazon(dot)com and if you check these domains or subdomains, through a redirect checker, you will see these websites don’t even have security components like SSL, and these are generally temporary yet permanent emails (recoverable). They can create as many emails as they want. Their emails have trackers, and their attachments have much much stronger trackers and malware. So, don’t open them and follow the simple steps I ha...